Colossians 1:13 “… and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.”

Colossians 1:13 ” Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness,and hath translated us into the kingdom  of his dear son.”We ended last weeks devotion with a question;  “If evil in the world exists by permission, why would God allow it?”  I know I don’t have the complete answer, possibly a path to start on; like chasing a vain of gold until you find the mother load. Evil exists, so that godliness can be seen and desired. Just like the darkest night makes for the brightest stars, so the wrong in the world and in ourselves causes one of two reactions.  We live with it making improvements by our own strength, and at times justifying our actions, or we seek change outside ourselves turning to  faith. To live within ourselves or to reach outside ourselves speaks volumes about our inner person. To discuss what it says is for another devotion, but I will briefly comment with this. What do the words I, sin, and pride have in common? The letter  ” I “, and almost always when I mess up the problem is in this three word reminder.

We have been given a free will which is a God given gift. With that freedom comes a stewardship, as with all stewardships there is an accounting of my actions. So it is my belief that evil and righteousness exists  together. In my free will to chose, my choices I present to myself, to God and to my fellow man represent the person that I am. Upon seeing the true me, I have the opportunity to reach outside myself to a life of faith, or to live within myself as just mentioned.

Next word is “translated.” It is a strange word, not a word we commonly use. As our lives get farther removed from the generations and the cultures  that wrote the scriptures, the importance of studying the context in the original language is even that much more important. In the Greek the word is a compound word, like our words with a prefix or suffix which influences the root meaning of the word.

“Translated” in Greek is “methistano” which is derived from “meta,” denoting a change of place or condition. “Histemi,” meaning to place or to make stand. In context it is to move someone from one station in life to a completely different one. Much like adoption is taking a child from hopelessness and homelessness and granting not only home and hope but identity. “Making them stand” in their new  personhood as your son or daughter. With God the picture is even greater still. In context and referencing other scriptures, it is more like a king adopting a slave. By adoption the slave, which has no rights, becomes his son or daughter. This is an action no man or woman can take. It is God responding to a sincere heart of faith and repentance. The proof of God’s acknowledgement is the sending of the Holy Spirit to indwell the new child of God; bringing the Kingdom to the soul, until the soul comes to the Kingdom.

So in summation from both devotions. We need not be subject to the power of darkness, nor the actions of our own sin nature. We have a hope that allows us to be strengthen with a Godly might, and a forgiveness that covers our humanness. It takes time to mature spiritually, and the best analogy is our children. From nursing infant, to a crawling baby, to a toddler, to a child, there is a maturing, a gaining of strength, confidence, knowledge and ability. The Christian life is no different. We have to crawl spiritually before we can walk, and we need to give grace and forgiveness to each other in our moments of weakness and failure.

Father God,
This freedom in you is not easy. Surrounded by my weaknesses, and temptations from a world that seeks you not, this life of grace takes work. But life is work, so to work towards righteousness is a work that will not go in vain. Let me know your strength and to find this confidence in prayer. I may kneel in fear, but let me rise with might knowing that you have heard and will tend to my requests. Doing that which is best, and according to your will, for me and those whom I love. Amen

Colossians 1:13 ” Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness… “

Colossians 1:13 ” Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom  of his dear son.”The words in the Greek are so full of meaning that I will comment on this verse in two parts. And this gets me excited knowing that several words could have been selected, but the ones chosen by God speak to his character and love for us.

Example, the word “delivered” we understand it in the sense of bringing a package to our door step, or in the  sense of rescue, “I was delivered from danger.” However in the Greek it goes one step further, not only are we delivered  from danger, but we are brought to something. So in context we are rescued from the “power of darkness” to the “kingdom of his dear son,” Heaven.

Pardon the next analogy, but my Pug is sitting right next to me. To rescue a stray dog from danger and set him free is not true freedom or rescue, for the stray dog will more than likely become in danger and need (delivering) again. However, if once delivered I take him home to live with me, giving him love, food and shelter, that now becomes a complete deliverance, and such is this word. Saved from darkness and “translated into the Kingdom of his dear son.” I’ll explain “translated” in part two, but in essence we are brought home via the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, something we discussed last week.

Next words, “power of darkness.” The translation of this word will raise a few questions. “Power” has a compound meaning involving power to do, with permission to do it. In short God has “allowed or granted” satan a space, a time period to work. And it is important to note that this power is supernatural, no human strength or will on its own can resist it. Evil, misery, hate, slavery, etc., and much more exist as a result of this.

And closer to home, we have divorce, immoral behavior, drugs, prostitution, all as a result  of the ” power of darkness.” Added to this we have our own sin nature. If you are a parent I don’t need to explain this to you. We are never asking our children to stop sharing, or to stop speaking so kind to one another, it’s  just the opposite.

That nature of self exertion or the “me first” complex starts extremely early on. As we mature we learn better ways to deal with it, keeping it in check, but it never disappears and often gets out. There is a spiritual battle going on for the dominance of our lives and the wreckage of it is apparent.

I know for some I am preaching to the choir, but for others this may be a bit uncomfortable. Again my goal is not to make up your mind, but to expose you to what the Bible says about life.  So we will  end with this question for next week’s devotion, “if evil exists in the world by permission, why does God allow it?”

Father God this is a bit beyond me, spiritual thought and your way of looking at life. It is very different from my normal every day life, and a little out there. However I can see the pain of sins effect, both in others and in my own life. I  do not want to make decisions that will cause pain or that I will regret later. Please help me to make right choices, and not just for myself but for those whom I love and depend on me. Thank you and Amen

Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet ( worthy) to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.

Colossians 1:12 Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet ( worthy) to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.From being joyful in trial, to the giving of thanks for an eternal inheritance that we could never merit or earn. For those of you that are not religious, or limit church attendance to Easter and Christmas this can sound a little weird. I thank you for hanging in there at my request. For those of us that regularly attend church, this is something we hear. And depending upon how much your religious faith is part of your everyday life, will determine your feelings about this verse. However, in a nutshell, this verse is the “gold medal” for someone who has an active faith life. The “inheritance of the saints in light” is in reference to eternity or Heaven. As with all inheritances, it is something that the father (parents) prepares and wills to his children. In the same way God’s inheritance is tied to a life of faith, a life that has sought God first and made self second. “Born again” is a term I introduced a couple devotions ago as something Jesus  said to describe a faith lead life. A life that is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. As we carry the D.N.A of our physical parents, the “D.N.A” of a child of God is the presence of the Holy Spirit, thus making us a child of God. In John 3.16 it states ” that God so loved the world (us) that He gave his only begotten son ( in reference to Christ’s sacrificial death) that whoever believes ( an expression of faith) in him would not perish but have everlasting life.” Which by virtue of this faith the spiritual D.N.A of the spirit is passed unto us, making us worthy to receive the “inheritance of the saints in light.”  At this point I know I am crossing boundaries, for I know most of you all on a personal basis. Each of us has to decide for ourselves what to believe. For not even God forces faith, but we are ” invited ” by Him to believe. My desire at these junctions of definitive teaching, biblical doctrine as it is termed, is to expose you to it and then let you decide. Giving you the same freedom that God grants each of us. A freedom that according to the scripture is given to us as a stewardship. As with all stewardships there is accountability. My desire is that with joy we can give an account to God for a life well lived, a life lived in fellowship with Him.  AmenSide note: We have all been given a great gift, that of life – and with that comes a soul and a spirit. We are not just physical beings. A question to ask is, “Am I limiting myself to just a physical existence, or am I seeking to use my gift of life to it’s fullest?Prayer
Father God, for the most part I’m clueless to a life of faith, at least to this degree of intimacy with You. Yet within me I know something is missing. There is an emptiness and an uncertainty that makes me feel that all is not right. Help me to draw close to you by reading your Bible, and to start praying, talking to you regularly. And please bring people into my life that will help me to understand a life of faith. Thank you and Amen.

Colossians 1:11… unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

Colossians 1:11  Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;
This part is tough, I have lived with patience and I have forgiven wrongs or offenses,  “suffering” quietly, but with joy? More “long faced, stressed out and dismal” would describe it, but joyfulness took some work. Why is joyfulness important and why would I be joyful over suffering? The Bible has commands that are contrary to normal thinking ( e.g. love your enemy). To understand why being joyful is so important, I need to give us  a “heavenly perspective, by using an earthly story. As a dad of two girls and now having a son-in-law, the last thing I want is for them to suffer. However, if our society changed and our religious freedoms were taken away, whether it be the freedom to worship or the freedom not to worship, and we were forced to embrace a new belief and lifestyle, then under those circumstances I would want my family to be strong, not compromising their beliefs. Knowing full well that it would mean suffering and hardship. For the rewards of faithfulness far outweigh the short term effects of suffering. If you think on an eternal perspective. Which is exactly how God views all our events. Whether in life or death, in sickness or health, in want or in plenty, in peace or in hardship, faith transcends all earthly events. Granted this is mature faith, and it takes time and trial to develop, but it knows and believes in the promises of God. It is important to note that God is not the creator of hardship or trial, though he often gets blamed for it. I find in society that we do a good enough job of perpetuating our own trials. However He  may allow it or use it to draw us closer to him, finding a comfort and hope that we would not normally have. When faith leads in one’s soul, then hope is very tangible. For faith not only seeks to trust God, but seeks to see the bigger picture acknowledging that my reason for living is not just about me. My comforts, my wants, not even about my family, but that my life takes on a greater purpose, “a fuller meaning.” We look for a greater good, one that is eternal and serve a God that is not bound or limited to this world. This then becomes the birth place of hope, which is often borne in difficulty as we are forced through hardship to reach outside ourselves to find God.  And upon finding hope, we find joy. For joy is the offspring of hope and therefore we are able to be joyful in our sufferings, knowing that God uses suffering to draw me closer to Himself. And what goal can be grander than intimately knowing and walking in the love of God, nothing compares.  Amen

God help me to see you as my heavenly Father. To find that safe place in you were I am at peace in surrendering my hopes, fears and every day stresses over to you. Knowing that in your lovingkindness the best will work out. Thank you and Amen

Colossians 1:11 ” Strengthen with all might, according to his glorious power…

Colossians 1:11 ” Strengthen with all might, according to his glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness”To coin a phrase “this is where the rubber meets the road.” When the road is easy and life is going our way, it is easy to make the claim that we believe in God. To proclaim that God is good, but what happens when following God is hard, when suffering set backs seem to be all we experience. Can we still make that claim, “I’m living for God, and that God is good?”  Not so easy then. This verse speaks to this part of life. We are ” strengthen with all might,” speaks about an empowering that comes to the believer from the indwelling presents of the Holy Spirit. But this empowering is not like our morning coffee, where that extra jolt of caffeine gets you up and going. This empowering is more like you start the first step and He will help you to complete it, and then the second step and the third and so it goes. It’s nothing magical or mysterious, you’ve got to be committed, 100% in the game. But when the day is over, you look back an say, “that was amazing, there was no way I could have done all that without God’s help.”
Next, the following words are not welcomed by our instant gratification society.
Why are we strengthened? It is ” for all patience and long suffering with joyfulness.” Not exactly the reason for why we would want to be strengthened. But what is patience?  “Patience,” the ability to persevere or bear up under, or demonstrate endurance in circumstances. “Long suffering,” speaks of self restraint against an adversary, or the ability to avenge oneself  but restrains from doing so. These qualities represent an inner strength that is so needful in our interactions with one another. In the Batman movies, we hear Alfred ask Batman ” Sir, why do we fall,.. it is so we can get up again.” The implication is that we are taught by our failings. When we  suffer setbacks requiring us to persevere, or when we chose the road less travelled and refrain from taking matters into our own hands, trusting in God to make it right, faith and character grow. However,  in everyday life we live by another standard, the “you get in my face and I”ll get in yours.”  Where is patience, where is the man or woman that has the means to avenge themselves, but instead chooses mercy overlooking the faults of another? If one makes the claim to be a Christian, by that statement alone one relinquishes his or her own rights to self governance coming under the authority of Christ, who demonstrated a life of obedience, faith and trust in the Father. Which for him, as the Ransom Redeemer for mankind, brought him to the cross.  Are we so committed to God that we too are willing to crucify our will and passions if they contradict a Holy God, or His good  will for our life?I will end with a saying that I have taped on the cover of my Bible ” I’m living this life for the life to come. I’m not living this life for today, but for tomorrow’s eternity. My setbacks, hardships, and trials that cause me to refocus or seek the Lord more earnestly are those events that will bring me blessings in tomorrow’s eternity.”

Prayer:  Father my life is so far from living for You. Yet within me, I know it is right. Help me to bend the direction of my life towards You. To find a church that teaches me to worship and pray, a church that explains the Bible to me. As well as to make time in my day to read the Bible and pray, knowing that you will help me to understand your purposes for me.
Thank you and Amen.

Colossians 1:10 … being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

Colossians 1:10

 10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

“being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” To be “fruitful,” is an expression of productivity. A healthy apple tree will be ” fruitful naturally,” and produce apples. Therefore, to be fruitful spiritually is to live a life that “naturally” demonstrates a faith in God. It is not something that is turned off and on, it is who you are becoming. For the word that is used for “knowledge”, is a word that speaks of “exact and intimate knowledge.” So intimately acquainted, that one’s thoughts, responses and choices reflect that relationship. Example, a wife can answer on behalf of her husband because she knows him intimately. And this is what is meant by this word. To be Christian means you are growing in and learning of Christ. And this is where there is confusion about Christianity. Many hold to the belief that they are Christian because they are good people. And surely being a Christian should cause one to be benevolent and kind. But it is the intimacy of knowing Christ, allowing God’s Spirit to change you from the inside that causes one to be “Christ like,” which is what the term Christian means. The expression “born again” is the term Christ used in speaking of this change to his disciples. A surrendering of one’s life over to God’s care and keeping, and the acknowledgement of one’s need of forgiveness, in light of a Holy God. This is the beginning of a life of faith. 8/26/12

Colossians 1:10 ..That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing

10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

The word “worthy” not only means “properly or suitably ” but has a secondary meaning that speaks of perceived value. In other words, the value is not inherent value, as gold, pearls, precious metals etc., items that have a societal value. Perceived value is more personal, and can have as high or higher value than gold, pearls etc. Example, to someone who has not eaten in days, a meal would have far greater value than anything material. Such is this word. We may not have great value to society at large, just another face in the crowd, but to God we have enormous value. Therefore, we are to walk worthy or properly of such esteem. Another example; if we were orphans our actions or decisions would be larger our own concern. However after being adopted (by God), having love and worth placed upon us, our decisions and actions now matter and make a big difference to those who love us. Such is this word, therefore “walk,” an axiom for living, worthy.
Amen 8/25/12