“True Treasures” Part V

Luke 6:6-11

 The Man With a Withered Hand

(Matt. 12:9- 14; Mark 3:1- 6)

“And it came to pass also on another sabbath, that he entered into the synagogue and taught: and there was a man — whose right hand was withered.

And the scribes and Pharisees watched him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day; that they might find an accusation against him.

But he knew their thoughts, and said to the man which had the withered hand, Rise up, and stand forth in the midst. And he arose and stood forth.

Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? To save life, or to destroy it?

‘And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?

How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days. (Matt.12:11-12)’

And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other.

‘And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus.’ (Matthew 12:14)

Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.”

 The personality type that we will study for the next couple of devotionals was the one that angered Christ the most. It was not any other type more than the self righteous, or the legalist. Legalism allows one to become self righteous because you are fulfilling all the requirements, crossing your “T’s” and dotting your “I’s.” It engenders pride even if the rules you follow are your own. You’re doing it right by your standards. I was this personality type early on. Initially my motives were very good, so I thought. As a new believer I frequently heard criticism of other Christians, and unfortunately much of it was true. So I asked The Lord to make me real. Make me an example that others could see and be encouraged. However over time and without realizing I developed a self righteous spirit, and found myself at odds with God’s mercy for others. It’s a long story, but God definitely corrected me.

In studying this personality type I am so grateful for the work of Grace God has done and is doing in me. There is nothing more I value than just a quiet life of faith. Where daily I walk and learn of Him as a son with his Father. In understanding this story, and knowing that the legalist and self righteous are the personality types that crucified the “Son of Grace,” it is a trap that we do not want to fall into. Fall into any of the other personality types we have studied, but avoid this one at all cost! Unfortunately though it is not that easy. For you see we all have this spirit in us only in different degrees. When we judge ourselves to be better than someone else that is a self righteous spirit. When we count how many times someone has offended us (keeping score) that is a self righteous spirit. When people have to “earn” our approval, or meet us halfway that is a self righteous spirit. I can go on, but these examples suffice. This attitude and its root problem can be summed up with these three words: pride, sin and I.

Wherever we go we bring the problem with us- ourselves. Until we learn to exchange kindness for criticism, patience for impatience and forgiveness for judgement the “I” remains. Next question- can we truly live like this from the heart? I could not. I had to receive kindness, patience and forgiveness from The Lord first before I could give kindness, patience and forgiveness. In myself I have a very limited supply of any given thing. To go beyond me I must first receive “Life” from God. I can give “life” only because God’s Life is working in me and through me. I cannot give what I have not first received. Therefore it is a Christian’s “spiritual life blood” to be in communion with The Lord. Otherwise we just dry up, run out and are miserable to live with. Show me a grumpy Christian and I will show you a son or daughter that has lost his/her connection to their Life Source.

In our story Jesus tried to open their eyes by asking them simple questions. “Is it right to do good on the Sabbath or evil? Which one of you would not save a lamb that had fallen into a pit, and how much better is a man than a sheep?” Why didn’t they get it? By the time Jesus had arrived “on the scene of history” the Pharisees had added many more rules to the Bible. They adhered to those rules rather than the scriptures. One Biblical rule was that there was to be no work on the Sabbath. The work that scripture spoke of was that of earning a living. They were to trust God for provision. That if they honored God by keeping the Sabbath God would provide enough extra resources from the other 6 days to meet the Sabbath day’s need. However, the Pharisees missing the whole point of the law went about defining what it meant to “work.” What work was allowed and what work was not allowed on the Sabbath. It became so stringent and legalistic that not even Jesus was not “allowed” to heal on the Sabbath. It came to the point of becoming absurd. The whole purpose of the Sabbath was to rest. To reflect on God’s kindness/provision and to show that kindness and share those provisions with others.

Type A personalities are the ones that are most apt to become the legalist and the rule keepers. These are the doers.  “Give me a mountain and I will climb it, a task and I will do it, a list and I will complete it.” That’s how we get our “brownie points.” It is the way we are wired. This behavior for other personality types drives them nuts. They want nothing to do with it, but A’s love the challenge. These are the leaders, CEOs, the people who join committees, and people wanting to make their “mark” on life. We will continue this study as we look at another example next week.

Father God,

Thank you for this study and how I can be instructed on not only how to be, but also how not to be. Help me to heed the warning without having to learn the lesson. To do good, to heal, be it soul or body should never be hindered. Let me become a conduit of healing through words of kindness, wisdom, patience, love and forgiveness. May I receive from You and from You give to others. Freely have I received, freely may I give with no strings attached. Thank you and Amen.

 Move Forward in His Grace – Arthur (Happy New Year)


” True Treasures” Part IV

17 As He was setting out on a journey, a man ran up to Him and knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what (“good thing” Matt.8:19) shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except God alone. 19 You know the commandments, ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.” 20 And he said to Him, “Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth up.” (What more do I lack? Matt 8:19)  21 Looking at him, Jesus loved him and said to him, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”22 But at these words [a]he was saddened, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property.

 In this current series we are going into the “DNA” of the human soul. Examining our deepest motives- the why’s and the why not’s. We were made by God for God, and we have lost that connection. If you are “born again” that connection has been “reconnected,” but because of sin entering into man we have to deal with spiritual “schizophrenia.” Having two opposing natures in one being. The Holy Spirit gives life to the spirit man, but our natural man still abides in our soul. At times it is truly a “tussle”.

It has taken me maturing to be able to understand the why’s and the why not’s behind my desires, motives and actions. I have come to understand that it all ties back to the fall. We were perfect (complete) prior to the original sin- broken (incomplete) afterward. Becoming indwelt by God’s Spirit via faith in Christ’s atonement brings the Holy Spirit back, but as already mentioned gives us an eternal hope. As believers our sin nature must simply be overruled or “crucified.” As Paul the apostle says in Galatians 5:24 ” … those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” and verse 5:1 “it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be overcome (controlled) by a yoke of slavery.” So our “dual nature” is the struggle we all share in, “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit contrary to the flesh (Gal.5:17). Those desires for care of self, to meet ones own needs is rooted in insecurity which is the result of our fellowship being broken with God.

The need to feel secure is our most basic, intrinsic need. It is part of our fabric and in one person it causes them to seek after wealth. To establish their significance or worth by their wealth, hence making them feel secure. In another personality type, we become like Martha’s. Being so busy that there is no time for God. Subconsciously we are seeking to validate our worth. I meet many Martha’s. Being busy has become “the culture” of today. We say “how are you doing?” What do we say back? “I’m good, I’m busy.” Busy makes us feel important – needed. As someone who is self employed being busy is a good thing. However is being busy my idol, or is God my Lord? It’s like the question “do you work to live, or do you live for work?” There’s a huge difference and our spouse and family can feel that as well. In our spirits we also can feel the difference when a busy schedule crowds out time with God.

In another personality even if wealth is present, it is not enough. There is a moral conscience that seeks to live right. To establish a sense of right and wrong. Religion or a type of belief often fills this need. It enables one to go to bed believing that they have done right. Believing this about ourselves is also a core need. Most of us want to believe that we are good people, and such is our personality study today – the parable of the rich young ruler. Undoubtedly the ruler was a fair and just, but he was more than that.  He was respectful “a man (the ruler) ran up to him (Jesus)  and knelt before Him.” To run up to someone implies a need, a respect, affection or “all the above.” To kneel before that same person implies homage, worship or reverence. This man’s heart was in the right place in the sense that his reputation or his wealth was not what he lived for. He had a deeper more pressing need. “Good teacher what ‘good thing’ shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Would to God be that more of us were as concerned about eternity as this ruler. Truly even in our time he is a rare and genuine soul.” He called Jesus “good” (agathos) meaning virtuous, upright, best of persons, outstanding. Sounds great, but Jesus called him on it. Jesus immediately deflected the praise to God, “no one is good except God alone.” Why did Jesus say this? Because the final words that Christ would share with him would make the difference between this man receiving eternal life or not, and it would hinge upon how he viewed Christ. Was Jesus just an outstanding human being, or was he truly God in the flesh?

“You know the commandments, do not steal, do not…, Teacher I have kept all these things from my youth up. What more do I lack? And Jesus looked (as if Christ was looking straight into his soul) and loved him. One thing you lack,” or translated, one thing stands in the way of you and me, of inheriting eternal life or not. And here hinged all of eternity for this young ruler. Would he see Jesus as God or just as a good man?  “Go sell your possessions, give them to the poor and come follow me.” This would be the final time Jesus would invite anyone to follow him. This man’s soul was of a composite, a blend of reverence, humility and a desire for truth that was moldable into an apostle. But could he do this? Could he forsake his wealth to follow Christ? Sadly no “But at these words he was saddened, and went away grieving for he was one that owned much property.”

He stood at the door of eternity. Right there and could not step through. His security and his sense of worth was held fast in his wealth. The jump was too much, and broken hearted he returned back to a life that could not fill his void. What about us? What keeps us from wholeheartedly seeking The Lord? If Jesus spoke to us – change your lifestyle,  sell your possessions, give up this practice or habit, and you stood at eternity’s door could you do it? Would you do it? Do you know Jesus well enough to know that with one step forward you would fall right into His heart; or does fear grip your heart? We will continue after Christmas. Next week I hope to write a Christmas poem – we’ll see.

Father God,

Thank you for this study and how it was because of your love for him that you asked the him to sell his possessions knowing that they were obstacles that prevented a relationship with you. Even if a man owned the whole world you would ask him to sell it to gain eternity. Eternity cannot be compared, equaled, or compensated for with any lifestyle, ambition, be it good, or wealth found in this world. Our days are numbered Father, let us be wise stewards of them. Thank you and Amen

 Move Forward in His Grace – Arthur


“True Treasures” Part III

“and she (Martha) had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. But Martha was encumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou, not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:39 – 42.

“Oh come and taste and see that The Lord is good” Psalm 34:8

 Trust everyone’s Thanksgiving went well. We had my mom from Orange County, our new grandson and granddaughter, so it was pretty neat. A great opportunity to give God thanks.

As we start our series again I would encourage you to reread part II. In it we established the core problem that exists in man and between him and God. In brief the problem that exists is both God and man are trying to right the wrong created in us via the fall. The Lord has His way. Seeking to reestablish a relationship with us via the Cross, and man seeking to fill his void via things, relationships, beliefs, pleasures or duties, and the two ways don’t meld. They are completely contrary to one another. From our perspective it appears that God’s commands are stern. That He has no compassion or love because he opposes the choices I make. Choices that I believe would make me happy. Yet as shared in last week’s Thanksgiving prayer He tears down the idols we build to show us the shifting sand we call a foundation. In other words He allows us to do “our will,” (as opposed to His will) and reap the consequences until we come to an understanding that in our “Father’s house” we have all we need.

 Such was the conclusion of the prodigal son. He left the Father’s house lured by the world only to realize that he had it best when he lived in relationship with his father.  (Luke 15:11-32 ) That is true with us! To be in relationship with The Lord is to be “home.” There are no negative “hooks” or surprises, or ” end of the road consequences,” such as addictions, “excess baggage” or a string of broken relationships to name a few. Even given this God is able to turn it all around and use it for our good. Walking in faith is a life changer and rightly should be. We are surrendering the “reigns” (control) of our life over to The Lord. Instead of being driven by passions, fears, and insecurities we are now learning to trust in our Heavenly Father. My all time favorite verse Proverbs 3:6&7 “Trust in The Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto your own understanding (or “our own way”) rather in ALL your ways acknowledge him (put Him first) and he will direct your paths.” I have not found a life trial or event that I have not been able to lean on this verse and find strength and comfort. This verse encapsulates what it means to be in a relationship with The Lord.

In our study of Martha we find that she is much like us. She was outwardly doing all the right things, but inwardly she was substituting service or doing for a relationship. The Lord, because he loved her, called her on it. “Martha, Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful.” Christ revealed to her that she was burdened with her perceived sense of duty, but more than that Christ was not first in her life. Had he been she would have been seated next to Mary. Instead she was upset with Jesus for allowing her sister to sit listening to him teach. Wouldn’t you think that when God walks into the room that everything should stop? Mary recognized who Christ was, but not Martha. She had the “its all up to me, I’m carrying the whole world on my shoulders” complex. That nobody else cares. Such a heavy cross to carry. Surely it is not the one that Christ has called us to carry, “my yoke is easy and my burdens are light” (Matthew 11:30).  Food can wait. Jesus can even speak it into existence. Only one response was right in that moment, “and Mary has chosen that good part, that shall not be taken away from her.” The Lord was not saying that her service was wrong. The Lord was saying that her priority of worrying and fretting over the service not getting done was wrong. Fretting makes God small. Faith makes God big. A big God equals small problems, a small God equals big problems. We choose the size of the God we want to believe in by either spending time with Him and growing our faith like Mary, or else being Martha’s and carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders.

 So what does The Lord want? A question we’ve answered, but this verse answers it better. “Oh come and taste and see that The Lord is good.” First and foremost that is what it means to walk with God. My self esteem, my inner self, my good thoughts as well as my not so good thoughts, and more belongs to Him now. It is surrendered over to him for Him to do with as He please. My new message to myself is “I can do (overcome) all things in Christ Jesus who loves me and gave himself as a ransom for me.” (Phil4:13)  I have been captured in love, and “I am no longer my own. I have been bought with a price and that is the precious blood of Christ. (1Cor 6:20)” Our identity must change and can change as we spend time with The Lord in prayer and study.

Father God,

Thank you for challenging me to grow in a deeper walk with you. Being a Martha is trying and wearisome. It is a burden that I would like to lose and learn to trust you for the work and duties that are required of me. To see you as a Big God, so that the problems are small, and to “come and taste and see that you are good,” instead of substituting idols of my imagination to falsely satisfy me. Help me Father, for this is a big step.

Thank you and Amen.

 Move Forward  in His Grace – Arthur


“True Treasures” Part II

“and she (Martha) had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. But Martha was encumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou, not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, ” Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:39 – 42

 “Oh come and taste and see that The Lord is good” Psalm 34:8

In the first Vida of this series we discussed the “fallout” of what happened when man chose to disobey God. The following is a portion of that account. “And the eyes of them were both opened (after eating the forbidden fruit) and they knew they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” They became self conscience because insecurity was the result of the sin. It is my opinion prior to the sin that God’s glory clothed them. What that felt like we will never know, but it must have been amazing. Therefore when they sinned, God’s glory departed from them. That feeling would be an indescribable void, but the best picture I have is the after effects of a tornado or a hurricane. The devastation was unmeasurable. They were naked on all three levels, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  What they felt on the physical level they felt on the other two levels as well – totally exposed and helpless.

“And they heard the voice of The Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves (shame, fear, guilt, insecurity, – the joys of knowing evil)  … And The Lord God called unto them saying where art thou… And he said, I heard thy voice, …and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.”  Genesis 3:7- 10. I’m sure God’s voice did not sound any different than all the others days when it was a welcoming sound. Is it not interesting how OUR perception of God changes when sin is involved?

There are not too many verses sadder than “… I heard your voice and hide myself.” What did satan tell them for them to risk so much and disobey God? “… your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3: 5). He told the truth sort of, but he spun it in such a way that he made it sound as if they were lacking something. As if God was holding out on them. Their eyes were opened, but it was not a good thing. Satan knew that they had no concept of evil having dwelt solely in righteousness. He beguiled them and they bought into it because he was able to defame God’s character. Like Jesus said, ” a little leaven (sin) leavens the whole bread (spirit).” They considered the lie instead of rejecting it and that caused the separation, and the willingness to disobey. It only takes a crack in the armor for the arrow of sin to find its way. We were never meant to know evil. It is a perversion to our spirit, soul and body. We were only created to know righteousness and not evil. Furthermore evil is not what we think it is. We think of it being a hideous deed. It is! But before it’s a deed, way before there has been a separation between God’s Spirit and mine.  What God, and even satan consider as evil, is the separation that exists between me and God. For now sin has free reign from thoughts, to lusts, to ultimately action, it finds its way out.

Not much has changed from then till now. Satan still spins a bad thing making it sound good. Knowing that we have no idea of the consequences we are about to reap. Instead of listening to God’s Word, our shield, we buy into the lie/ temptation because our sin nature can justify anything, even defaming God. In two devotions past when we started this series, we dealt with how “materialism” has become the “god of happiness and security.” In rejecting God’s claim of love over our life, the void has to be filled with something and materialism makes a great trap. However this trap is only for some personalities, not all.

There are many traps or lusts  to entice each and every soul. Next week we will discuss the “Martha Complex.” A definite trap for all the Martha’s.

Father God,

Thank you for this study, and for making me aware of what makes me whole and heals me. I now understand how the enemy spins a temptation and how because of my deficit it appeals to me. However my security is in your love not in trying to fulfill my own needs. Help me to keep my devotions regular so that I am renewed by your Spirit. Thank you and Amen.

Move Forward In His Grace – Arthur


“True Treasures” Part I

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:19 -21)


“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else  he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)”


As we start a new series I want you to see a common thread that is weaved through all the parables Jesus told – to create in us a pure devotion to God. Though temptation and trial is common; through it all God would clearly occupy the number one spot in our hearts. As we mature in faith even the passion that would have occupied first place becomes a distant second. Now for our study.


I have clients that are stock brokers being responsible for other peoples wealth. Often having retiree’s in their client portfolio. For these clients the income generated from the investments are their livelihood.  Making my clients investment decisions that much more stressful. The fact that the stock market reacts to so many factors, both good and bad, makes monitoring it an everyday job. The market reminds me of a “spooked horse” that bolts at any strange sound. It is very difficult to navigate and establish a coarse when so much is out of your control. In our verses for this study Jesus is clearly making an established course for our lives to follow.


We have two verses to study and clearly Jesus is not saying not to invest, which could be misunderstood if we only had the first verse. However with the second verse it becomes more clear as to his intent and which “investment vehicle” is the better. “For where your treasure is there will be your heart also(attention/affection)” and continuing “…. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Serving mammon, or worldly concern will produce worry and anxiety. For the kingdom of man is unstable. However investing into Heavenly treasures by making our faith first will bring stability to our lives. Also “heavenly investments” will produce continued dividends of peace and joy. For God’s Kingdom is not only eternally secure, but it’s dividends are out of this world. Therefore knowing this chose one, “for no man can serve two masters.”


To serve is “douleuo” meaning, “to be in subjection to or to be deprived of freedom.” These verses we have discussed in prior Vida’s and understand that “mammon”  includes all worldly possessions and the desire to have them. Materialism would be the English equivalent. Have you ever asked yourself why do we instinctively seek these things? Why is there a desire in us to have things? Having possessions, wealth etc.  fulfills several needs in us. It makes us feel successful like we are actually accomplishing something. It also gives us a sense of security for the “what if’s” in life and the surety that we are able to provide for our family or our own needs if we are single. It can also make us feel prideful especially if we fail to thank The Lord. However we still have not answered the question completely as to why we seek things (objects), emotional support or both.


Prior to the “fall” Adam and Eve were “plugged in” to God. He breathed into them the breath of life and they became living beings.  Though Adam was completely formed life did not come into him until God breathed the essence or “spark” of life. To imagine being so pure and complete without a sin nature, yet when man willfully chose to disobey he became “unplugged” from his life source.  For the first time he felt the base emotion of insecurity which produced in him fear. If you think about it all our emotional drive and desire to have has at its very core the feeling of insecurity. Be it jealousy, fear, worry even anger at the root is insecurity because we have been unplugged from God. By being Born Again we allow The Lord back into our lives beginning the “plugged in” process of living. And it is a process of relearning, for though we have the Holy Spirit it is not as what Adam and Eve experienced prior to the fall. For we now have a sin nature. An inborn desire to seek the things that are not of God. A natural rebellion against righteousness. Therefore daily we must choose to serve The Lord. Saying no to our sin nature knowing that “investments” in this world yield temporal dividends that only maintain us here and now.  Versus obedience to the Spirit, “laying up for ourselves treasures in Heaven” which yields eternal rewards. So knowing this were should our heart be? We can truly only serve one. Two opposing Kings (or passions) cannot rule the same land (soul). To be heavenly minded is to live “In Life” and to reap the benefits both here and for eternity.


Father God,

The things of this life we need to tend to. You clearly are in favor of hard work and wise investments. However because of them You are crowded out of our lives. Then what may have been good initially has become a very bad investment for us. Help us to see life from an eternal perspective and not be short sighted and only see the concerns of this life. You are bigger than this life. As we parents care for our children you will care for us as well if we let you. Thank you and Amen


Move forward in His Grace – Arthur


“Fight the Good Fight of Faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) Part V

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called….” (1Timothy 6:10 – 12)


When a root goes bad in a mature tree it can often affect as much as a quarter to a third of the tree causing branch dieback and defoliation of the leaves. The reason being is one main root has many small to medium roots that break off into even more smaller roots known as feeder roots. When a main root goes bad, and there can be several reasons for this, the effect on the tree can be catastrophic. Even if the dead branches can be pruned away, the result can be  disfiguring. The tree becomes out of balance making it susceptible to breakage from high winds. Our native Oak is an example of this, and what is true with trees is also true with us.


In context to the verse the love of money is a “bad root” affecting all our relationships and actions. Why is this? The answer lies in the word “love.” In the Greek there are four distinct words that refer to specific types or degrees of love. We only have one. We say “I love you” to our spouse and kids, but we also say “I love ice cream” using the same word. Though we understand the “love” is different, the English maintains the same word – the Greek does not.  The word used to describe “love of money” is “Philarguron.” A compound word with “phileo,” which is the word used for family and “arguros” meaning silver, gold, or money. So do we see the problem? Phileo is reserved only for love between people, but to love money to that same degree then is to elevate money to a platform that it does not belong. It is easy to see the damage that can be done because of the distorted position money has assumed in our life. Philadelphia (the city of brotherly love) has “Phileo” in its name and the only love that is stronger is “Agape,” which is God’s love for us.


So when we take this kind of love and place it with “Arguros” money, instead of with relationships we can see why it is the root of all kinds of evil and why Paul says, “have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” Wandered is “apoplaniso, to seduce, lead astray or draw aside from the right course.”  Pierced means to be “transfixed, a severe wound, or to be pierced through inflicting injury.” That is the result when loving money is above loving people. Greed is the word we use when so much is done for the love of money. From business decisions, to politics, to people we associate with, even the person we decide to marry, money can be the underlying reason. Money is an idol in our society, a “little god” that we put before The Lord. I have yet to see money stop an argument, make a marriage better, or improve relationships between parent and child. Often it is the problem. It is a poor substitute for friendship and even a poorer substitute for love.


“But you man of God flee from all this….” All that we think money represents or the “emotional fill” that we think it will give us – flee it !!!  Peugeo means just that, “make haste, don’t turn back, don’t second guess, change course and do it now! And this is where the problem lies. We turn, but not with conviction. We flee, but leave a trail to the “back door” of our soul. We really are not fully persuaded that The Lord can be all that we need. However, if we do not “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love….etc.,” how will we really know? The word pursue, “dioko, means to press hard after, to pursue with earnestness and diligence IN ORDER TO OBTAIN.” In other words, there should be an expectancy that in seeking God, the source of all life, that I will find life. The very thing I erroneously think money will give me, Father God will fulfill. God says that “in the day when you search for me with all your heart, I will be found by you.” We often put more effort into our jobs or hobbies than we do with God, and quite honestly God deserves better. We have developed a culture of “lazy Christianity,” if it doesn’t come to me like my “Big Mac,” I’m not willing to put forth the effort. The scriptures invite us to come to The Lord “taste and see that The Lord is good, and a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him.”  He is so worth the effort. He’s worth our best – for He gave us His best. Salvation is a gift that is obtained by faith alone. It cannot be worked for, so let’s be clear, but what you do with your gift, how it manifest itself in you and through you has much to do with the times you spend alone with The Lord. I encourage you, make the effort, get alone, “taste and see that The Lord is good!”


Father God,

There is still more to be shared in this verse. May the truth shared open our eyes to see how we erroneously have substituted our well being and regulated it to money instead of finding life in You. Forgive us Father and give us wisdom to see the errors of our ways. Cause us to understand that You alone possess the life that elevates us and blesses and strengthens all our relationships. Thank you and Amen


Move Forward in His Grace – Arthur


“Fight the Good Fight of Faith” (I Timothy 6:12) Part IV

Matthew 5:14-16  “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill (as Jerusalem is) cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel (fruit basket), but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.


To “fight the good fight…” implies a certain degree of well being. It is very difficult, if not impossible to fight anything when not in health, or to be salt or light for that matter. Therefore our goal through these devotions is to encourage spiritual health, which as a result often brings us emotional and physical health as well. However, as a Christian body I have concern that  we are not healthy. Too many of us do not have regular times of Bible study and consequently our witness or testimony falters. Let’s be clear though,  we do not read the Bible to be a good witness. We read the Bible and spend time in prayer so that we grow in intimacy with our Heavenly Father; seeking to be a faithful son or daughter. The effect of that results in my witness or my “light.”


To be “Light” than, is to literally overpower the darkness, as in turning on the light in a dark room. This can only happen if our relationship to God is number one. The scriptures call it “your first love” as in foremost. Without this commitment it is so easy to live in the “shadows of faith” where we prioritize other activities before Him. Giving God our “leftovers”  rather than the best of ourselves.  It is so easy to do if purposeful attention is not given. If being busy is all it takes to keep us out of fellowship with The Lord, than say hello to a busy life. For the enemy of your faith will see to it that you stay very, very busy.


Sometimes it is not a busy life that keeps us from Him, but a coveted sin that we want to hang on to. When God asks you or me to surrender that desire or burden over to Him and we say no, we can begin to grieve the Holy Spirit even to the point that we break fellowship with Him. Thus diminishing our witness, potentially hurting many of our relationships, and especially with Him. When you place grey against black, the black does not seem so dark. However,  if you place a sheet of white paper against the black the contrast is dramatic. The Bible calls this life in the grey as lukewarm. A mix of cold and hot, or the acceptance of worldly values causing us to  remain out of fellowship with Him. To continue in this state carries with it a warning. A warning that radically changed my life, Revelations 3:15,16 “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert (wish) cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew (spit) thee out of my mouth.” As in when you taste something that has spoiled, we spit it out – same implications.  What causes this condition? “Because thou sayest I am rich, (no need of God) and increased with goods (needs met) and have need of nothing (fully satisfied); but from God’s perspective “… and knowest not that thou art suffering and miserable, and poor and blind, and naked:”


The great thing with the Lord is He doesn’t leave us here….” but I counsel thee (meaning to invite us to himself)  to buy of me gold tried in the fire (truth tested and found substantial to support life in the Spirit) that thou mayest be (truly) rich, and white raiment, (forgiven and indwelt with the Spirit) that thou mayest be clothed….As many as I LOVE, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous  therefore (obedience with a passion) and repent Revelations 3:18,19. I read these verses as a young man and it turned me upside down. I knew I was in error living a compromised life. There are always two views. My view- “I’m not perfect but not as bad as others” (an excuse we give ourselves), and God’s view, “I need help and I need it now!”


So to fight the good fight, the fight starts here, within myself. We need to stop giving our time to be with The Lord to things that do not produce righteousness in us. Be it T.V., the computer, sports, news, even church programs can all become idols when we put them before our time with God. Until we learn to put God first, stop giving ourselves excuses, and giving in to endless worries, we will flounder in our faith. Compromising the very soul Christ’s died to set free. “Christ likeness”  is an inward to outward change that only comes through obedience. With obedience becoming my hearts desire, being salt and light comes naturally – just like apples on an apple tree. There is no effort to produce the apple, the apple comes naturally. The effort remains with my will and being in obedience to His will. The by product, “the shine or light” is a result of that obedience. The quiet approval of God over my life, that inner knowing that all is well between my Father and I is worth whatever sacrifices or changes I need to make. To know that He is my home is a treasure that no one can take from me.


Father God,

Give us ears to hear and a will to obey. Help us to clearly see that our priority needs to be You first. To put anything else before our relationship with you is like building our house (life) on the sand. Why expend all my energy for something that will not stand. Please Father give us hearts that are quick to surrender that which You ask, and quick to repent when You shine your Holy light on us.

Thank you and Amen


Move forward in His Grace – Arthur


“Fight the good fight of the Faith” (I Timothy 6:12) Part III

Matthew 5: 14-16  “Ye are the light of the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and they glorify your Father which is in heaven.”


Prior to starting, a side note. I am aware that some of the Vida’s come out a little awkward with respect to punctuation, spelling etc. I trust that you are able to read past the awkwardness and still receive a blessing from them. Many weeks, work is a handful and a half. Now for our devotion.


As with the example of salt, Jesus continues to describe the “effect” of the Holy Spirit in the “surrendering” life  (a work in progress) of a believer. The analogies he uses are examples we can all relate to. The work of the Spirit starts in us and as we continue to abide and grow in faith, He then moves through us. Light is probably an easier analogy for us to grasp than salt which seldom leaves the table in use. However with light, as soon as it gets dark, the lights come on.  In our the homes, or the night lights in the yard, or the flashlight as we walk to the restroom from our tent or trailer. Though we understand the effect and use of light, we would benefit by having a definition. “Light is a form of radiant energy that travels in waves made up of vibrating electric and magnetic fields. These waves have both a frequency and a length, the values of which distinguish light from other forms of energy…” The light we see  “represents a narrow band between ultraviolet light (UV) and infrared energy (heat).”  These light waves therefore are the ones we see, “capable of exciting the eye’s retina, resulting in a visual sensation called sight.”  So when Jesus says we are “the light of the world,” we’re to be seen, but what are our characteristics? In other words, what causes us to shine?


Before we answer that let’s better understand the use of the word light  in the scriptures by introducing a super neat expression in Spanish to describe birth. “Va a dar luz,” (going to bring forth light) is one of the expressions used for childbirth (which my youngest daughter 29 yrs. old, just did. So this study is quite timely). In a literal sense there is no light at the time of birth, but there is “life,” and that is what the expression “light”  is trying to capture. There are other conversations were light is often a reference to understanding. As in the expression, “the lights just came on,” meaning, I finally got it. And light, especially natural light, is critical. In nature without sunlight  there can be no life. Plants would cease to photosynthesize, algae and plankton which are the basis of the food chain, would cease in our oceans and lakes. All of life would come to a stand still. In extreme northern or southern lands, such as Alaska which is dark for 2 months or the Antartica where the night period is for six  months, the only light are the stars, and the magnetic sensation  aurora borealis or aurora australis in the South  Pole. And in states where prolonged rain is the norm, depression as well as more serious emotions can result. The term “Cabin Fever, describes a state of restlessness, depression, and irritability caused by an extended period indoors,” often due to inclement weather.  For all of life to exist and do well, light is necessary and sunlight with its infusion of vitamin D is by far the better choice.


In John 1: 4&5 the words “life and light ” are used to describe Jesus. The apostle John guided by the Holy Spirit describes Christ  ” in him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness (referring to man’s soul) and the darkness comprehended it not.”  And verse 11-13 “He came into the world (his own), and the world (his own) received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become sons (and daughters) of God…”  So clearly light is a metaphor for life, but not just life on the physical plain, but the life of the Spirit which is able to pierce the darkness of our souls and bring us into fellowship with the source of all light and life, God himself. The heart of God, vast and beyond knowing, has one overriding, ardent, driving desire – that He yearns for His creation to come into relationship with Him. As a parent yearns to be reunited to a child that has gone missing, so He yearns. And we can relate to that emotion and understand how He is feeling when “we go missing, at times for the whole of our life.”


The light of Christ is the life of Christ given to us by the Holy Spirit. If you have been “born again” you understand the unexplainable sense of God dwelling within your being. A God conscientiousness that starts out as a small voice, but grows into a recognizable direction as God’s Word takes root within our being. Therefore you can also tell when you lose it because you have turned from following him. Several years ago I spoke to a friend of mine, he was in his late twenties. I was sharing about the love of Christ, not being sure where he stood. His reply surprised me and touched me causing me to really pray for him. He  said, “I miss His hugs. You mean you miss your girlfriend’s hugs?” Was my reply. No, he said “His hugs, I miss feeling close to God. Ever since I chose to live with my girlfriend I’ve missed Him and my girlfriend wonders why I don’t make love to her, but I just can’t. Initially I was ok, I could rationalize it, but as time goes on my spirit is dying within me and I can’t continue; but I am not able to break up with her either.” I so felt for him as I could see the sincerity and the pain in his eyes. The “light” had left him, and having known the light (life) the darkness was suffocating him.


How I wish that more of us could say “I miss His hugs.” Up to that point,  I only knew that I spoke in those terms, and he being a younger man it was that much more moving. I prayed for him that he would have the strenght and courage to tell his girlfriend that because he loved her and wanted God’s blessing on their relationship that he had to do the right thing. Shortly after that conversation he was transferred and I lost touch with him.


We will need to continue next week in our application of being “God’s Light” to a darken world. A partial word of advice. Be mindful of what you call entertainment. There are many non edifying, and at times very violent shows and movies that promote actions contrary to the life of the Spirit.


Father God,

We all carry a Cross, that if we are serious about walking and knowing You, really amounts to the “dying” of the carnal nature. In that respect I can be violent, for to entertain that is to entrap my soul. If not dealt with then sooner or later I will wake up and realize that You have left me, I don’t want that. Cause me to have regard for Your Holiness, and honor Your temple within me.  Thank you and Amen

Move Forward in His Grace – Arthur

“Fight the Good Fight of Faith” (I Timothy 6:12) Part II

Matthew 5:13 ” For ye are the salt of the world, but if the salt has lost its taste, where withal can it be salted? It is good for nothing but to be trodden under the foot of man.”


In writing out this verse again, a couple things impressed me. I can hear Jesus speaking to his followers and as God Incarnate he says “..ye are the salt of the world.” Not maybe the salt, or for only some people, or ye are one of the “salts” for the world, no, ” ye are the salt (singular – as in exclusive) of the world. I know this statement is somewhat offensive to some, but what other belief outside of Christianity, candidly deals with our sin? So the words are Christ’s, and as the Atoning Sacrifice for man, I believe He has earned the right to speak. It’s up to us to receive or reject His teaching.


Next point – ” ye are the salt of the world.” The world is a big place and it has a lot of different people and cultures. Social, economical and educational differences etc., a lot of variety and everyone has their own way of thinking. Given that, Jesus still said that his doctrine and teachings was “salt,” for everyone. All are included, and no one is excluded from being helped, benefitted or cured by “His salt.” People will say to me, “I’m happy for you Arthur that it works for you, but we believe differently.” And I want to say,” It will work for you as well, because it is not a “working” but simply coming into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Who would not be greatly benefitted by having God love them, God guiding them through life? What a confidence builder. The Gospel works for everybody! In that the Gospel is to be sown in peace, I give them a big hug and pray that The Lord would open their eyes and heart to the Gospel, also making them aware of Vida4U as a starting point if the need arises.


” Salt of the world” is a huge mission field, and much of it still needs a lot of “salt.” But obviously we can’t all quit our jobs and go into the “mission field.” However there are  two things we can do. When we share, share in confidence. Jesus said you are the salt, so when someone seems to have his/her act together and it “appears” that they don’t need the gospel, don’t believe the appearance, believe The Lord who created man and knows that man without Him is lost. Especially with people who are affluent. We tend to be intimated thinking,” who am I to share with them,” they obviously are successful. And there we go, falling into the lie and power of the god of materialism. We must first become freed from that god ourselves, and realize Christ words “that a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions, but in knowing God.” Many of the affluent are the poorest among us. Clustered in a life that revolves around them, hindered from ever being able to have meaningful relationships. The gospel is for sinners, I think they qualify.


Secondly, the biggest mission field to be “salted” is our own heart. If what we share is not first true within ourselves, then it is just words we are speaking. I would rather speak ten words that are true within me, coming from my heart, than a hundred words that are just head knowledge. When I share from what is true within me, the level of sincerity can be felt. We have classes on apologetics, based on the scripture “give to every man a reason for your faith.” So we study and get to a point that we know the Biblical answer to every question, and at the end of a “debate” we obviously won the argument, but not their heart, they still don’t believe. It is “with the heart that one confesses that Christ is Lord,” not with the intellect. We just spent a whole hour or so doing mental “warfare”  with no effect on the person’s  heart. It is good to have answers, but it is how it is shared that determines the effectiveness of what we are sharing. Who wants to feel they’re being sold something? The person doing the selling has no interest in you, he simply wants to make a sale.


Sadly enough we do the same thing with “Eternal Truth,” and it’s wrong. That is why I shared last week the poem “I am a Christian.” Christ did not call us to be His salesmen, but to be His witnesses. A witness repeats what they have seen and heard, what is true with them. Have you heard from Christ lately? When was the last time you spent more than 5 minutes in prayer, or opened the Bible and quietly sat before Him leaving your watch in another room? There’s specific statements I repeat in the Vida’s, and this being the third time I have shared this, “I cannot give to you what I myself do not possess, I am but an “empty vessel,” as we all are. What are you filling yourself up with, “empty calories” – the food and values of the world? Then that is what you will give out, any thing more, unless the Holy Spirit intervenes, will just be head knowledge.


So hear the warning from The Lord, ” if the salt has lost its taste,… It is good for nothing other than to be trodden under the foot of man.” If you are getting picked on at work for your faith, “being trodden upon” it’s best that you stop any verbal witnessing and go inward and develop a stronger walk with Christ and let people ask you “for the reason of the hope that lies within you.” God won’t waste your time. If someone needs to hear the gospel, He will have you two meet. First be “His witness.” We are to witness of Christ continually, and on occasion, as The Lord leads, we are to use words. This is another statement I have repeated. The world offers everything, money, sex in abundance, intellectual study, philosophies, “stuck on me,” philanthropic work, charities etc., something for every soul to get locked into. The one thing the world does not offer is God’s Agape love, “He loved us while we were yet sinners.” That’s our roll, but we have to know it for ourselves first, “abide in the vine” and know His love, then allow Him to produce His fruit through us from the knowing of His love. Only a son or daughter has that unique intimacy with their father. We are to have that. Even if we did not have that with our earthly dad, our Heavenly Father wants to have that with us. Tell Him you don’t know what that looks like, He will delight in showing you.


Father God,

Again I come before You a little sadden now knowing how complicated I have made it. Do’s and don’ts, acting more like a Pharisee than a follower of Jesus –  who seeks to enjoy the day to day relationship with You. May I learn that through the struggles You are  still with me, allowing the struggles to deepen my dependence upon You. Help me to grow to the point in my walk,  that whether it is “stormy outside” or sunny, that “all is well with my soul,” because of our relationship. Thank you and Amen


Move forward in His Grace – Arthur


“Fight The Good Fight of Faith” (I Timothy 6:12) Part I

Matthew 5:13. “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt has lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted (in other words to become salty again)? It is good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of man. “


We are now starting a new series, trusting that we are building truth upon truth, so that your faith is “up” for this coming series that will be equally as challenging as the past series. Based on our topic, we are getting very close to some personal frustrations of mine. Please do not take anything that I might say as personal. If the Holy Spirit uses it to challenge you or speak to you then be obedient and seek His will. My comments are overall frustrations that I have with the way the Christian faith is preached and practiced.


We are going back in time when refrigeration was not existent, nor vacuum packed bags or airtight containers to store food. Also in this same time antibiotics were not available to fight infection. For these reasons and countless more, salt was highly prized. It was traded in the ancient world as a commodity (the first Nasdaq, maybe?), and also used as currency just as silver and gold was. Surprisingly,  some current day expressions come from the use of salt as currency. For example, if you purchased a slave, as was the custom in the ancient world, but he didn’t work out the expression ” he’s not worth his salt” would be used.  Also Salt, or Sodium Chloride (it’s chemistry name) was extremely useful as a preservative. So much so that the Egyptians used it for mummification. I know that is a “glorious thought,” a factoid you could not live without. When Napoleon was retreating in the winter of 1812 from his defeat in Russia, thousands of his soldiers died from their wounds because they ran out of salt to prevent infection. ” Salt has also played a vital role in religious rituals in many cultures symbolizing immutable, incorruptible purity.” Salt as an element has very stable chemistry; one of the four most stable composites and it’s use is beneficial both to man and beast alike. “It’s benefit goes beyond knowing history, and its uses both industrial and otherwise are almost without number.”


Therefore when Jesus spoke these words, “Ye are the salt of the world,” the people understood. We have only a very limited understanding of salt. Those cultures understood the beneficial and extremely important role salt played. We are to combat and arrest the infectiousness of sin. We are to not only act as a preserving body for society, but as a curative source as well. We are to keep faith moving forward. Stopping moral decay. Which by definition speaks to the downward progression of society left to itself. We are to be of great value to society, “worth our salt” in otherwards, by being useful to society. Helping and aiding as needs arise. But above all,  we are to be “above reproach” immutable and incorruptible holding to the standard of love and holiness, “Be ye holy as I Am Holy.” In Galatians 5:19 we read “the acts of the flesh are obvious: adultery, fornication (the Greek includes hetero and homosexual) impurity and debauchery; idolatry (which includes all these sins, for we are placing them before The Lord) and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissension…drunkenness, orgies and the like… those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Which is the role of the church – to demonstrate a life with God that attracts the unsaved, so that life is saved and not lost.


Question, have these sins increased or decreased in our society; or have they just maintained? In other words, have we had any effect in being a purifying agent for society, have we lived above reproach, brought worth and value to people, “treating their wounds?” Or have we just “traded punches,” scraping out our right to exist, maintaining what other generations have done, or are we losing ground? This is a question that we must ask ourselves, and if you believe we have just traded punches, or we are in retreat, then ask yourself why? And since we are all part of a whole, what part have we personally failed in? Have we lost our definition of what it is to be a Christian?


There’s a great article that defines what it is to be a Christian that I want to share titled “I am a Christian.”


I am a Christian

When I say that “I am a Christian,” I am not shouting that “I am clean living.” I’m whispering “I was lost, but now I’m found and forgiven.”

When I say “I am a Christian,” I don’t speak of this with pride. I’m confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not trying to be strong. I’m professing that I’m weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not bragging of success. I’m admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I’m not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are way too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say “I am a Christian,” I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartahes, so I call upon his name.

When I say “I am a Christian” I’m not holier than thou. I’m just a simple sinner who received God’s good grace somehow!


 Father God,

It’s hard to confess that I have missed the mark. That the daily cares and worries have somehow clouded over my relationship to You, which in turn affects everything I do. I have acted more like a “good guy/gal,” than one saved and wanting to be an instrument for saving others. I have lost my true purpose by purposely being lost in the daily affairs of work and family life. Help me to regain my “true north” and start living for the Kingdom. Let me be the prodigal that truly comes home. Thank you and Amen


Move forward in His Grace – Arthur