“True Strength” Proverbs 11 (Part II)

“True Strength” Proverbs 11 (Part II)

A gracious woman retaineth honor: and strong men retain riches.( Proverbs 11:16)
As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion (vs. 22)
He that diligently seeketh good procureth favor: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him( vs.27)
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and
“As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion (vs. 22)” We have such an insatiability with beauty. Beautiful cars, beautiful homes, clothes that make us look beautiful. We are drawn to beautiful settings, Tahoe, the northern coast ( where I’m at now, it’s our 36th yr. anniversary) even the desert has its beauty.  We even have this saying, “oh those are the beautiful people,” and implied within that statement is, “they have it all.” Wealth, fame, happiness etc., all because they are beautiful.  Our culture in rejecting the Beauty of Holiness, which is borne in one’s heart via the Holy Spirit, have turned to worshipping idols of beauty. Yet how fulfilling are these idols? Take the “beautiful people.” Perfect in every way especially if you can afford a good plastic surgeon, which they can; yet their lives are a mess. Seldom do their marriages, or living together last. Pamela Andersen “Baywatch Bombshell” is on her fourth marriage, Rachel Welch, famous when I was a teenager, has been single after her fourth marriage and oddly enough Larry King. If beauty, sex, fame and wealth were the pancea of happiness, why do these, and there are many more examples, relationships fall apart? They have the beautiful home, drive nothing but the best, travel where they want etc., yet their wealth, beauty and fame does not allow them the happiness they are seeking – a loving and caring relationship.
So in context to our verse, let’s make application. First take the term pig to mean just that, a pig. Exit out of your mind any of the connotations or symbolism we associate with pig. It’s a farm animal that likes to wallow in the mud. So even if a pig could be viewed as nice looking, e.g like a horse, it can’t be because it’s always getting dirty. Next the “jewel of gold” typically is translated as a ring that is worn in the nose. The earring of gold symbolized wealth and ownership. It indicated that the servant girl had a wealthy master. It was in many respects her protection from other men that would seek to abuse her. But a gold earring, something of beauty, would never be put on a pig, it is completely out of order. And a “fair (attractive) woman” without discretion ( knowledge and/or judgement) is the same. Her beauty may attract you but as you get to know her you see there is no knowledge or discernment. She’s superficial and typically it’s  all about herself ( men are the same). Unfortunately because of the breakdown of the family, there are a lot of girls growing up like this. In the absence of parental guidance our culture puts pressure on girls to look beautiful. Without the guidance, instruction and love they easily become prey to this superficial lifestyle.There is no value put on discretion, wisdom or self respect. And if they are particularly attractive, they become prey to so much more.
Since, as a society we have rejected God and His Christ were His beauty adorns the inward man, we have a culture that idolizes the outward. Unfortunately this emphasis affects us all, especially the younger ladies. They become fixated on their outward  causing them to feel insecure. This emphasis causes in them an unbalanced person. The value of their person and who they are is lost. The pressure to be beautiful is so over emphasized in them that they do not even know themselves. This outward emphasis  can easily push them into becoming narcissistic. Make up and good looks is not true beauty, it is superficial especially based on our examples of famous individuals. True beauty is created inside and radiates outward. Abigail in I Samuel 25 is an example of a woman whose outward beauty complimented her person and her inward person complimented her outward beauty; which is how it should be. “ Now the name of the man was Nabal ( her husband); and the name of his wife Abigail: and she was a woman of good understanding (discreet and wise) and of a beautiful countenance..” Notice that her person was emphasized first then her physical beauty.  
God’s ways, bringing beauty to the soul first, are true and freeing but His ways are not apparent. They are hidden to those who do not seek Him. Let’s ask the question, why does insecurity in particular plague women? As a woman, if my whole self worth was placed on my outward I too would be insecure. There are other attractive women and I can only hope that my husband continues to find me more attractive. That’s one fear. The other is I am getting older and my beauty is fading – fast in my opinion. So now I’m super insecure. How is this scenario going to play out? It can only get worse. I am cheating myself out of 2/3rd‘s of what makes me unique from other women. My person and my spirit. For their is no one just like me with my particular personality, gifts and talents and if I allow myself to know God’s love for me I can approach life from a full glass and not an empty one. If I live spirit first and my unique person second and lastly my physical I am fully living all 3 levels of how God intended and created me to live. My insecurity may exist but it is easily trumped by God’s love.  My
attractiveness encompasses my whole being. It is not just limited to my appearance. How would this value change affect us? I know it would completely change the way we raise our kids, especially our daughters? It would be huge and so freeing for them to know that they have more worth and value than just a Barbie doll.
 We crave beauty because we were designed to seek Him. There  is no beauty that truly fulfills the soul than the Beauty of Holiness (His presence), that which one on an ongoing bases experiences in relationship with Christ. To pursue our needs apart from Him is not wise. The solutions are never lasting and it can affect us adversely. Depending upon what we want from life, or how “hungry” our soul is ( high achievers have very hungry souls) determines whether we can cope with life or become disappointed. In becoming disappointed it can make us cynical or quite possibly even  nacisstic. We can become like black holes, consuming everything to just find fulfillment.
There are many other per suits in life, not all of us our hard wired for beauty. There are careers, money, achievement, even friends and family can be over emphasized. Each of us uniquely has his/her core passion, but beauty is a strong one for many. The whole cosmetic, clothing  and a part of the medical field ( plastic surgery) and physical fitness are supported by it.
Father God,
Thank you for this study. It is a hard one and not sure how to live outside of this worlds values. Cause my heart to bend to You and not find completeness in the things I currently now do. I give You permission to change my desires and values in your direction understanding that trails are coming to achieve this in me, a love for your ways, and an understanding that worldly values will never fulfill. Thank you and Amen
Move Forward in His Grace – Arthur

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