Vida4U – The Beauty of Repentance

This series has been a wonderful heart-cleansing series. The Lord has put verses and scriptures together for our benefit, and I am honored to be His pen. Let’s discuss an important word, the word repentance. Unfortunately, instead of being viewed as freeing, a very positive action, it has a negative connotation in our society. We do not like to admit or be told we are wrong. It’s like, “I got caught, now I must confess, repent, and say I’m sorry.” Which, truthfully, is not a bad thing at all. It’s the only way to get rid of baggage and self-destructive habits. It’s the only way to move forward and feel good about who you are. Men and women of honor know they are imperfect and are willing to take ownership of their errors or character faults. 

James 5:16

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much

The person we confess to is the one we offended, but also to a more mature believer who can counsel us and pray for us. We need help to get free of our addictions, habits, bad attitudes, etc. It is very doable, and we are not “Lone Rangers in our battle against sin; we need each other.”

This is where understanding and valuing “humility,” supposedly another “bad” word in our society, needs to be valued. I never hear the request for more humility whenever we ask for prayer requests. Yet half of our prayer requests would disappear if we did. We are so focused on our world, needs, and wants that God’s wants become second. If we could take our eyes off ourselves and align with God’s agenda, things would improve, and our self-inflicted problems would clear up. Humility makes God big and me small, which has excellent benefits. 

There’s a great example of this in scripture. What would you say if God told you to ask Him for whatever you wanted? What would you ask for? Money, wealth, a great job, brains, good looks, and a sexy or strong body. He did this with Solomon, and Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God’s people, which pleased God so much that He also gave Solomon that which he did not ask for. 

2 Chronicles 1:7

On that night God appeared to Solomon, and said to him, “Ask! What shall I give you?”

2 Chronicles 1:9-10

Now, O LORD God, let Your promise to David, my father, be established, for You have made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude (God’s promise to Abraham fulfilled). Now give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this great people of Yours?” Then God said to Solomon: “Because this was in your heart, and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life—but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king— wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like.”

These verses give us some critical insight into God’s value system. If one asks for “self,” make me famous, wealthy, intelligent, rich, beautiful, etc., all for self’s glorification, nothing will likely happen. However, if one makes humility the heart’s passion to see better and serve God, this pleases God greatly. It’s from this posture that we pray the most effective God-honoring prayers. This is the secret to all of God’s Great Treasures, treasures that money cannot even come close to possessing. 

1 Peter 5:5-7 Submit to God, Resist the Devil

Likewise, you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you should be submissive to one another and clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble. Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

An inner healing occurs when we confess our sins, mistakes, and selfishness to God. It brings healing and closeness to our relationship and is also true to human relationships, be it best friends, husband and wife, or parent and child. A closeness is gained when we humble ourselves and confess we were wrong. Also, we should honestly commit our concerns to Him and trust Him. 

He may not give us the answer we want, but it will be the answer we need. Picture a diamond just mined. It is truly a diamond, but the beauty of it is not seen. Only the lapidary sees the true beauty, what it could be, and what it will take to bring out its true beauty, “Christ in us.” This beauty is wholly determined by the cuts it will receive. Some cuts are easy and light, and some cuts are hard and transforming, but they are all made with skill, with the end goal of bringing out the true beauty of the diamond, which, for us, is glorifying Christ.

Colossians 1:27

To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 

The Image (or stamp) of the Immortal God via His Holy Spirit dwelling within mortal man is His greatest treasure, costing Him His Life. Man represents God’s greatest creation, and now redeemed through faith in Christ worshipping and serving Him proves the Eternal Plan God always wanted, God walking in relationship with man through the Garden of Life. God wins, satan loses. Which side are you on?

Father God, 

Thank you for this powerful devotional, and its power is found in the reality of How Much You Love Us. That’s what makes this devotional convicting. It bids us to change, surrender our will, pride, and ambitions, and follow You. Father, help us to count the cost. 

Your son by Grace


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